Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Birth Story- Caleb Robert

I had my 39 week appointment on Thursday and was told i was almost 4cm dilated and 50% effaced. This was up from 3cm 10 days before. I had been feeling contractions for awhile off and on but nothing painful. I was hoping that they were doing something and were productive. Our weekend was nice because we had nothing planed. No projects on the to-do list, no appointments, no shopping list. So Saturday we were all up at a good time and did our weekly grocery shopping before lunch. And we went to SeaWorld as a family after Lydia’s nap, the first time in a long time. We saw a show we hadn’t seen before and looked at the Sharks before getting caught in the rain and trying to stay dry while leaving since the storm was going to last awhile. I was hoping some of the extra walking would help start my labor being due 3 days later. We came home and make soup and sandwiches for dinner, fitting for such a dreary afternoon. We relaxed and went to bed a little early with plans to go to early (8am) church the next day so we could relax the rest of the day.

I ended up waking up more than usual to go to the bathroom that night, at least 3 time before 1 am. I began to realize that I was having contractions and started timing them at 1 and working through my Bradley checklist to test if they were real or not (eating, sleeping, shower, walking) They were fairly consistent at 5min apart and lasting 60 seconds. They weren’t that strong and I could talk through them with no problem. I figured no rush. I woke Bob up around 1:30 and told him we wouldn’t be going to church, and let him keep sleeping. I took a shower and called the midwife at 2 since they were still 5 min apart and it had been an hour. Since the intensity was not bad I decided to continue at home and call back later. At 3 they were spacing out and getting more intense, but still not so bad. Bob was up with me by now and he was starting to help me labor through them. We were able at one point to get some rest when they slowed down to nearly 10 minutes apart.

Around 5:30 I decided we better start moving towards leaving the house and calling the babysitter. By now it would just be an early wake up call than a rude middle of the night call. We dropped Lydia off and were at the Birth Center by 6:30 am. I started timing my contractions again with them 6 minutes apart lasting at least 60 sec. I told Bob on the way i was eager to be examined in hopes that everything at home was moving productively towards birth.

My initial exam concluded that i was at 7 cm and nearly effaced and Caleb was in a slightly bad position. The midwife suggested a couple of positions to labor in to help move him into a more desirable position. I labored with those directions for a bit and suddenly was surprised to feel like pushing. She examined me again and I was at 9 cm. The contractions had changed and were closer to being really painful. I requested getting in the birthing tub and enjoyed the relief it brought. Pretty soon, it was decision time stay in the water and have a water birth or get out to push. I stayed in the water. 3 natural pushing contractions later I had a little boy in my arms. The most painful part of the whole process was the “ring of fire” when pushing him out. He came so quickly with those pushes I did not get relief between pushes. It was now 8:04 am. Caleb Robert was here with a head of dark hair like his sister had, but much more vocal to the world.

We stayed in the tub for awhile and then moved to the bed to be examined and rest. Caleb was a champ and latched on a sucked well to nurse before taking a very long nap. When we finally did his exam he was 6.12 and 20 inches long. Much smaller than his sister (by a whole lb!) I was in awe of what had just happened, it was all so quick. I was able to get a restful nap and ate some food we brought before being discharged at 12 noon to go home and rest in our own home. Overall I left feeling much better than I did with my first birth and able to gingerly walk around more comfortably.

Lydia and her babysitters came over 5 and brought us dinner. They met Caleb and Lydia was happy to be home. She did have a fun day with her friend Jack. After dinner we introduced Lydia more fully and she got to open her big sister presents. Caleb gave her Elmo and grandma and grandpa sent a stuffed animal and a new outfit. She loved the Elmo. She has taken the big sister job very seriously so far and wants to investigate when he is crying and likes to watch him when he is awake. She is helpful at moving the things mommy needs around the house. No jealousy yet.

1 comment:

Grace for us all... said...

So proud of you, Cynthia! Way to go! Blessing and joy to your family. We look forward to meeting your new little one someday.

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